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We have all heard about betting as a form of gambling , some of us even use it to make some quick cash. While betting can be rewarding if you're lucky , for most people it can turn into a life long addiction, if not handled properly. Problem betting is harmful to psychological and physical health. People who live with this addiction may experience depression, migraine, distress, intestinal disorders, and other anxiety-related problems. As with other addictions, the consequences of betting can lead to feelings of despondency and helplessness. But hey , don't listen to me, what does the bible say about betting? I recently came across this verse in the bible, that talks about the gods of luck and fate , "Isaiah 65:11 (ERV) [11]“But you people left the Lord, so you will be punished. You forgot about my holy mountain. You began to worship Luck( babylonian god ,Gad ) . You held feasts for the false god, Fate ( babylonian god , Meni) ." I was like god of luck an
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I've been writing my CA (continuous assessment) test 2 for the past two weeks and since everything is online,  the thought of calling on good old uncle Google was crossing my mind frequently. At first I stood firmly on the fact that I'm a Christian and cheating is wrong.  But as the tests kept coming and coming , each harder than the previous one, I was ready to compromise just this once, after all every one is doing it and the lecturers know it too!  So I tried cheating. I happen to own two phones ,so why not ? Who would know anyways. I even had the guts to pray to God to forgive me for cheating... which I planned to do on purpose.   So as I had planned,  the next day I got my other phone  to cheat that was pathology I remember. The moment the paper started I switched on my other phone and the weirdest thing happened,  my phone that was on about 40% , started draining really fast to 0 , until it went completely off.  I was not only shocked but now stranded , I didn't study


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The heart can never be at peace if the mind still has questions. Many people today are atheists because many religious leaders fail to answer basic questions about religion . Like   is there a God ?  Why did God create us ?Why is there sorrow and  suffering in this world? How can I know the true religion ? Which church is the right church? Will the  world end ? Can we trust the  bible?   After research and research by many authors,  the conclusion has been reached . WE ARE NOT COSMIC ORPHANS WANDERING AIMLESSLY AROUND THE SUN ! JOIN ME AS  WE EXPLORE THE EXISTENCE OF THIS GOD AND HIS PLAN FOR HUMANITY